Bon Operatit!

Newsletter Signup

Want to keep up with Bon Operatit! and our performances? Subscribe to our Bon Operatit! newsletter and we’ll send you notifications of our public concerts, CD releases, and other exciting news about the group. We’ll also send you event reminders so you’ll be sure to never miss out on an opportunity to see us live in action. You can unsubscribe at any time simply by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link provided in each piece of e-mail correspondence.

We also take your privacy seriously so rest assured that we will never share your e-mail address or other information you provide to us without your expressed permission. Click here to read our privacy policy.

From time to time, Bon Operatit! will also provide special offers solely to our subscribers for discounted CDs and deals on bookings for weddings, private parties, and other types of events. Sign up today and we hope to see you at our next performance!

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